
USPA Meet recap!! We have posted pictures and videos on our social media, if you want to relive our adventure with us! Our amazing team went out and did what we love to do, “Lift Heavy Shit”! We learned a lot, met incredible people, made some great new friendships and got to watch some crazy...
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Compulsive overeating is a type of behavioral addiction meaning that someone can become preoccupied with a behavior (such as eating, or gambling, or shopping) that triggers fulfillment. People with food addictions lose control over their eating behavior and find themselves spending excessive amounts of time involved with food and overeating. The reward signals from highly...
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Have you ever wondered about the benefits of that delicious cup of coffee first thing in the morning? Caffeine is known for that substantial increase of focus, but it has other great benefits as well. Caffeine is found in almost every commercial fat-burning supplement — and for good reason. It’s one of the few natural...
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Fitness is a journey. If your goal is weight loss and you met your goal, you probably know that it is way too easy to slip into old habits. Here are some tips to keep the weight off and to maintain those healthy habits! Maintain Your Habits Success comes from doing the same things every...
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“I won’t see results quickly” Quick results are not the same as lasting results. Changing just one small thing from your diet or workout routine might help you get a healthier and lasting result. Do you drink a few glasses of soda a day? Try replacing them with water or flavored water to get help...
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It’s here!! Come try our brand new MooreProtein flavor, Salted Caramel! We have Pumpkin Spice and Chocolate for you to try too! PHF tasting tomorrow, 10/26 from 5-7pm. See you then!
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One of our members witnessed this at a commercial gym. Someone decided to load their bar with lb and kg plates, do their workout, and leave without cleaning up their shit. This is just one of the benefits of joining a private facility! No bullshit like this in our gym, goes to show we take...
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