
Powerlifting is a popular strength sport that revolves around three main lifts: the squat, bench press, and deadlift. While all powerlifters aim to increase their overall strength, there are two distinct approaches to training and competition: equipped powerlifting and raw powerlifting. Equipped powerlifting involves the use of supportive gear such as knee wraps, bench shirts,...
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1. Introduction: You GET to, instead of you HAVE to. Are you tired of dragging yourself to the gym, feeling negative and unmotivated? It’s time to turn that frown upside down and unleash the power of positivity in your gym experience! You get to go to the gym today! … Instead of you HAVE to...
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On July 5th at 4:00PM, the legend returns to the platform. In an event to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association, Robert “Bob” Moore, will attempt to break the all-time powerlifting world records that he currently. holds. The 2022 National Champion holds the all-time world record in the Squat, Bench Press and Total and fresh off his...
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Stretching is an essential component of any exercise routine, but it is often overlooked or skipped all together. Stretching involves lengthening the muscles and preparing them for physical activity. By incorporating stretching into your daily routine, you can improve your flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall ....
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Athletes working together at PHF
Don’t be that person The gym can be a great place to get in shape and improve your health. However, it can also be a place where people make social faux pas and annoy others. In order to make sure you are not that person, there are a few unspoken rules of the gym that...
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woman with a barbell
It is no secret that weight training has many benefits for both men and women. However, there is a common belief that women should not lift heavy weights. This is simply not true! In fact, weight training is extremely important for women of all ages. There are a number of reasons why women should lift...
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PHF members working out
The fitness industry has seen a boom in the last few years with more and more people wanting to get in shape and lead a healthy lifestyle. However, the gym environment can sometimes be discouraging, with people feeling like they are not good enough or that they are being judged.A positive gym environment is one...
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The MoorePower 7 logo
The MoorePower series of powerlifting events returns to PHF with its seventh installment! MoorePower 7 promises to be the best chapter yet with bigger and better prizes, brand new judging lights and the use of pounds via the Rogue, Deep Dish Plates! Sponsored by MooreMuscle, the MoorePower series is held to the highest of standards...
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Ashlyn performing a conventional deadlift
What is the superior deadlift form? Which is safer? Which is stronger? Read on and find out ...
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MooreMuscle Barbell Club athletes training
Athletes from the MooreMuscle Barbell Club are setting up for a huge 2023. Bodybuilding legend and MooreMuscle leader, Melvin Alston will be returning to the stage to chase a National Title, two-time National Weightlifting champion Brandon Davis will be furthering his dominance in the masters division of USAW, and the powerlifting team is once again...
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