The MoorePower series of Powerlifting meets is returning to PHF for it’s seventh installment on February 25, 2023. Dubbed “The Return of the Iron”, MoorePower 7 will feature the best lifters from the PHF Powerlifting Program. The meet will be run by the MooreMuscle Barbell Club and sponsored by the MooreMuscle Supplement Company. Back to...Read More
The Maryland Directors for United States Powerlifting came for a visit and a workout at PHF last week to discuss the further involvement of MooreMuscle in their events. The directors, Jim and Josh, met with MooreMuscle owner, Adam and then joined the powerlifters at PHF in moving around some iron! Jim and Josh own M...Read More
The MooreMuscle Barbell Club put on a record breaking performance in Shillington, Pennsylvania this past weekend at the USPA Thanksgiving Throwdown! PHF and MooreMuscle sent eight athletes to the meet all of whom took first place in their respective category, broke over 30 all-time State Records and took home 4 National all-time records. The meet...Read More
Programming for our PHF Powerlifting athletes is focused on getting the most out of the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift by using accessory movements. In the first couple of years of training, emphasis needs to be placed on perfecting the technique of the main three lifts. As the technique is nailed down, focus needs to...Read More