PHF Fam! Moving forward, we will be using our blog to put out news and updates on what’s happening in our amazing little world!
- We will CLOSED Easter Sunday, April 4th. All classes have been removed from the app for that day. Enjoy the holiday!
2. Our amazing MooreMuscle photographer, Dr. Jen Hood has finished all of the edits from MoorePower Chapter 3 and will be emailing out a link to everyone who competed so they may have their pictures! In the email will be instructions on how to post / share those photos (tagging, etc.).
3. If you have been in class this week, you have noticed the HUGE change that has taken place between the front room and the main room! Thanks to Coach Thom’s construction skills and the collab with our Arts ‘n Motion family next door, we have given ourselves the opportunity to once again expand class sizes and add even more classes to our schedule.
“Room 1” is now located in the new Arts ‘n Motion fitness room. This will allow us to keep our Room 1 schedule without changes and also increase attendance to those classes by offering drop-in opportunities to any member of the dance studio.
The front room of PHF is now called the “Auxiliary Room” and has it’s own times and availabilities on the schedule. This also enables us to utilize both rooms during the growing Barbell and Powerlifting classes, allowing us to expand the numbers in those classes.
4. As you are already aware, PHF has changed over to a private, invite-only facility. This means that someone cannot simply walk in the gym, sign up and join our family. Anyone interested in joining us must meet for an interview walk-through so we can determine if they are a good fit to join our family. We have established a fantastic energy in our new facility which we are simply unwilling to compromise. We will sacrifice numbers every single time to ensure we do not allow any negativity into our family. Everyone in PHF is everyone else’s biggest fan.
The COVID-19 vaccinations have brought out a rush of people who want to return to fitness facilities. Since last Saturday, we have had 26 inquiries and we extended only 1 invite. Our PHF Family and their success means EVERYTHING to us and we SO excited to be growing one family member at a time.
5. The new deadlift platforms for the North wall have arrived from Rogue Fitness and will be built and put into place next week. The fourth hybrid platform for the South wall will be built the week after and the changes will be nearly complete! We have finally established balanced fitness program between strength, conditioning, fat-loss and overall health!