
The MooreMuscle Barbell Legends wall was written up at PHF about a year ago, but not every member understands its meaning. The workouts written on the wall were all workouts completed at different points over the past twenty years. The extreme weights and volume of those workouts were recorded and now are on the Legends wall for anyone who wishes to attempt. The weights on the left are the men’s weights and the weights on the right are the women’s weights. Once a member completes one of the workouts, they sign their initials and the year completed next to the workout. Last night at PHF, the wall was initialed for the first time. Emily Douglas Deadlifted 275lbs for an unbroken set of 20 reps. Unbroken means the lifter cannot stop the set or let go of the bar at any point. This was one of the most impressive things I...
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Consistency is the key to all fitness goals. Fat loss, health, strength, it doesn’t matter what the goal is, consistency is your key. There will be days when motivation isn’t there, strength isn’t there or soreness and fatigue are just overwhelming. Those are the days when you must push to at least get a small workout in. Consistency. Something every single day. It keeps you on track physically but most of all mentally. Accomplishing a workout, even a small one when you just don’t feel like it is one of the biggest victories in your fitness journey. Go be amazing today. Even if you don’t feel like it. 💪🏻
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  INGREDIENTS: • 1 cup rolled oats • 1 tablespoon chia seeds • ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt • 1 cup milk of choice (I used unsweetened almond milk) • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice (honey or maple syrup) • Add any fruit of your choice   INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Place all ingredients into a large glass container and mix until combined. 2. Put the top on the container and place into the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight.   Chia seeds: Chia seeds are not only a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3’s, but they help thicken your overnight oats and make them extremely creamy and satisfying. Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is such an amazing, tangy add-in for overnight oats that really enhances the flavor and makes them extra creamy. Oh, and it’s a great post of extra protein. Honey or maple syrup: All-natural sweeteners are key when it comes to overnight oats....
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Like our amazing clients, we are constantly trying to improve PHF! We try to improve our coaching, the classes we offer, our communication and in this case, our equipment! We are excited to have just added the Rogue Fitness Bench Press to our facility! We have so many incredible clients we are becoming stronger and stronger in our Hybrid and Barbell Programs that we needed a proper piece of equipment for bench press. While our cages are a great starting point, our clients needed proper bar position, spotter stands and proper height from the floor for safety in their ever improving weights. Proper positioning helps the lifter safely complete the movement by removing as much extra stress from the shoulder joints as possible and allowing full leg drive through the positive. This creates a stronger and safer environment for the lifter as they continue to progress. Lift heavy. Get strong....
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Nutrition is going to be next Monday evening, July 29th from 6:30 – 8:00! We have heard from our members that it might be time for some good old fashion hard truth and we at PHF are always happy to oblige! For those of you who are saying “I’ve heard the nutrition seminar before, I don’t need to go”. We at PHF urge you to find the closest mirror and ask yourself if you’ve reached your goals. If the answer is no then it most likely has to do with your food and in which case, we will see you next Monday evening. Free to members, $35 for non-members. 1. Priority Health and Fitness, why we were awarded Best Weight Loss Program in Anne Arundel County. 2. What nutrition SHOULD mean to you. 3. Where do you start? 4. Planning for success. 5. Eating your way to your goals. 6....
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