
There is no better way to describe PHF and the incredible members of the MooreMuscle Barbell Club other than, A Story of Success. Most of the Barbell Club is made up of members of PHF who came off the couch in the last couple years and decided they needed to lose some weight or get in better shape. PHF is great at that. Actually, PHF has won awards for that. They started off not knowing how to do an unweighted squat, not being able to pick up a barbell or even jump onto the smallest plyo box. As time went on, they started to catch on to the basic exercises, started to thrive by using weights and resistance, and found confidence through the feel of a barbell in their palms. That passion to learn and progress evolved into a small group who call themselves the MooreMuscle Barbell Club, named after...
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If you exercise regularly, it’s important to know that what you eat can have an effect on your exercise performance and results. Eating a wide variety of foods—especially fruits and vegetables—will positively affect your endurance and stamina when exercising and during your everyday activities. One of the major benefits of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is found in the number of micronutrients they provide. The micronutrient content of fruits and vegetables plays an important role in maintaining health and optimizing exercise performance, energy production and tissue recovery during cardiovascular and strength-training exercises. Certain nutrients can’t be produced by the body, so it’s essential to consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to deliver these nutrients, which in turn support your regular physical activity. If you’re not taking in enough fruits and vegetables, muscle damage, decreased muscle strength, impaired immune function and symptoms of fatigue have been shown...
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Ingredients 1 cup frozen mixed berries (example; raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries) 1/2 cup non fat plain greek yogurt 1 scoop chocolate MooreProtein powder  1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 2 cups packed baby spinach ice cubes optional
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Powerlifting as defined by Wikipedia … “Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. In competition, lifts may be performed equipped or un-equipped (typically referred to as ‘raw’ lifting. Equipment in the “equipped” category refers to a supportive bench shirt or squat/deadlift suit or briefs. In some federations, knee wraps are permitted in the equipped but not un-equipped division; in others, they may be used in both equipped and un-equipped lifting. Weight belts, knee sleeves, wrist wraps and special footwear may also be used, but are not considered when distinguishing equipped from un-equipped lifting.” So what the hell does all that mean?  Powerlifting is a test of physically and moreover, mental strength which at the end of a competitive day equals a total of weights lifted to determine a winner.  There is a Barbell class here at PHF which is focused on that physical and mental strength...
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Lemon & Thyme Chicken Ingredients • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into cubes • Zest from ½ lemon • 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice • 1 tsp. fresh thyme, diced • ½- 1 Tbsp. olive oil • ¼ tsp. kosher salt • ¼ tsp. fresh ground pepper • 1 small garlic clove, minced   Instructions • Mix lemon zest, lemon juice, thyme, oil, salt, pepper and garlic together in a small bowl. Pour over chicken cubes and toss until coated. • Bake on baking sheet for about 20 minutes at 400ºF.     Cajun Rub Chicken   Ingredients • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into cubes • ½ tsp. paprika • ½ tsp. garlic powder • ½ tsp. onion powder • ½ tsp. Mexican oregano • ¼ tsp. cayenne, or more if desired • ¼ tsp. kosher salt • ⅛ tsp. red pepper flakes, or more if desired • drizzle coconut or olive oil   Instructions 1. Mix paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, cayenne, salt and pepper flakes...
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