
Good morning PHF Family! We are excited to open the doors of our brand new facility in 7 days! Over the next 7 days we will be putting out A LOT of information on our modified schedule (to allow for spacing, cleaning and payroll reduction due to our extreme membership losses), the Maryland requirements for Fitness Facilities and how we are planning to move forward, working back up to our full schedule. We will be putting this information out on every platform we have so please stay up to date on our blog, our Facebook and Instagram pages and your class threads (if you’re already a member). We have built an INCREDIBLE facility and we want to move forward properly to ensure the future of our PHF Family. Some of the things we are required to do by the state or have to do because of our financial losses may...
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MooreMuscle Protein Banana Muffins by Taylor O’Neal 3 Medium Bananas1 Egg4 tbsp of Honey3 tbsp Melted Coconut Oil3/4 Oat Flour1/2 cup of Cinnamon Bun MooreMuscle Protein 1 tsp Baking Powder1 cup Non-Fat Greek YogurtCinnamon as DesiredMini Dark Chocolate Chips and Chopped Walnuts as Desired Directions: Preheat oven to 350 Mix all ingredients Pour batter into muffin tin 3/4 of the wayBake about 15 minutes or until golden brown 
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Priority Health and Fitness has come a long way from Brandon and Sheri’s living room and we have found and built a location that can grow with us and provide our amazing members with the facility they deserve. Welcome to the new PHF! We have a front desk! The apparel wall! Front Room! Another view of our front room! Back room! Back room! Back room cardio wall! Back room!
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Written by: Coach Sean Fuerst I think we can all agree that these are difficult times. Collectively we are facing something unprecedented in our time on this earth so far. This brings with it disruptions in our normal routines of work, school, hobbies, and all other aspects of our daily lives. It’s easy for worry, anxiety, fear, lack of motivation, and even depression to creep into our minds and make us feel stuck and unmotivated. You’re probably wondering why I’m even bringing all of this up and the reason is, quite simply, it’s now more important than ever that all of us try to find some measure of normalcy and routine in spite of our new normal. Ultimately this can help us feel more in-control of our thoughts and our emotions and ease our feelings of anxiety. So, how does this relate to working out? Well, with gyms closed many...
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Thank you for the amazing support and trust in us! Three “Best of” for 2020! Best Gym, Best Weight Loss Regime and Best Coach. We love our PHF Fam! Thank you!! #twoyearsinarow
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